Bank charges

Bank fee management solution

Our objective: to simplify the operational management of your cash flow to increase your productivity and allow you to concentrate on tasks with higher added value.

Retrieve your bank invoices in electronic format

Thanks to the bank invoice dematerialization service called Bank Service Billing (BSB) , your bank can now send you the invoice for your bank charges each month in an electronic file in XML camt.086 .

‍ By NEOFI Frais Bancaires automatically collects all the data contained in your invoice for analysis.

Find out more about how we read the electronic bank invoice !

Check and compare

NEOFI models the banking conditions of each of your banks and verifies that each invoice presented to you is based on the same bases: unit price and volumes.

‍ The

The discrepancy is displayed immediately and an alert is sent by email to the treasury team.

Learn more about checking and comparing bank invoices !

Display results and discrepancies according to your business rules

Business Intelligence tool integrated into NEOFI Bank Fees allows you to easily modify the reports which display the data entered in the invoice, according to your needs: by service, by account, by country, by currency, by dissociating the amount from the volume.

Simulate the fees of other banks

By extracting the volume entered in an invoice and applying the conditions of your other banks, NEOFI Bank Fees allows you to easily simulate invoices and compare the results. You will thus be well armed during your price renegotiations!

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This solution is also available in SaaS mode

Built to work for you

Cost containment

In SaaS mode, there is no initial investment, you preserve your cash flow by only paying a monthly subscription which includes software updates and maintenance.

Always up to date

SaaS technology allows NEOFI to continuously offer all its users updates allowing them to benefit from new innovative features.


NEOFI offers solutions that interface very simply with your information system.

‍ Our


NEOFI solutions are constantly reviewed and tested by our growing user community and by our internal and external security teams.