

On November 7, 2024, NEOFI was in Luxembourg to discuss the profession of treasurer.


ATEL Tech Day 2024

On November 7, meet NEOFI at ATEL's Tech Day to discuss the profession of treasurer.


AFTE Days 2024

On November 25 and 26, meet NEOFI at the AFTE Days, two days to discuss and prepare for the new ambitions of the treasurer profession.




On November 7, 2024, NEOFI was in Luxembourg to discuss the profession of treasurer.



On November 30, 2023, NEOFI was in Luxembourg to discuss the profession of treasurer.


Towards data anonymization!

The revolution caused by the omnipresence of digital technology in an increasingly connected world now contributes to considering "data" as "the black gold of the 21st century"...


[BFM BUSINESS] Automation of data processing, a crucial theme for treasurers

Processing data and analyzing it is essential for any company, whatever the profession, but more particularly in large groups. NEOFI therefore offers solutions that allow...


Neutralize hidden costs with NEOFI Netting

Within a group made up of several entities or subsidiaries, preserving margins requires savings made by eliminating hidden costs, for example those linked to operations...


Scenario planning: The right reflex to manage your cash flow plans?

We can never say it enough, the cash flow plan is the key element of cash flow management. Forecasting the receipts and disbursements of the company over a given period, ...


Facing geopolitical unforeseen events with NEOFI Compliance

The war in Ukraine and the recent economic and financial sanctions taken against Russia are prompting many companies to think about implementing exclusion rules...


Cash flow forecasting and automation

In a context of international or health uncertainty, cash flow is more than ever at the center of concerns, which reinforces the attention paid to cash flow forecasts...

Journal Entry

Automatic generation of accounting entries: no more reason to miss out

An essential task for the proper keeping of company accounts, entering accounting entries can be a real point of difficulty for financial departments...


Instant transfers for immediate profits

When one of our clients decided to replace their banking communications platform which had become obsolete, one of their requirements was to issue instant transfers to each of their banks.


Direct debits and SEPA compliance

The implementation of the SEPA standard required a complete review of the way bank direct debits are processed. Thanks to the NEOFI Link rules engine, the implementation was easy...


Managing bank charges: how to get out of the fog?

Managing bank charges concerns treasurers because it consumes a lot of energy. It's not new and it's not over. Signatories of multiple banking services contracts...

Banking communication

Banking communication: APIs are a game changer

Over the last fifteen years, the bank-company relationship has changed little: thanks to their banking communication platforms, companies have communicated with their banks via protocols...


The major strategy of fraudsters remains identity theft (suppliers, president, etc.)

Fraud is ever more present. According to a survey carried out in early 2019 by Euler Hermes and the DFCG among more than 300 companies...

Banking communication

Interoperability, the founding foundation of NEOFI

Interoperability is a capability that allows computer systems to communicate with other solutions or other computer systems, without technical restrictions...


Treasury software that adapts to your methods

Offering cash management software that is both rich and customizable… The challenge is huge! Experience shows that each treasurer would like to use his own methods...


How to arm a treasurer against fraud?

At a time when treasurers are on the front line facing the risk of scam, the efficient articulation of a banking communication platform with an anti-fraud system appears essential


Andorra and the Vatican enter the SEPA zone

On March 1, 2019, the Principality of Andorra and the State of Vatican City / Holy See enter the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA). These entries bring the number of countries to 36...

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